Friday, May 25, 2018

It's Not Always Easy

Dear Reader:

It's not always easy⎯writing that is. Actually, most of the time it's hard. It used to be easy when I didn't have to worry about writing something interesting or worry about grammar and punctuation.

It was easier when I just wrote because of the urge to put words onto paper. I would pick out a fountain pen and a notebook, make a cup of tea and just write - mostly my thoughts or observations about people or places. Then came the day I wanted others to read my work and I started taking writing classes.  Somehow something got lost in the process. Learning the rules of writing, which I don't necessarily follow, takes a bit away from the flow of creativity.

Through the years, I've read about other writers suffering from writer's block. I'm going through a bout of something that might be considered that - but I'm wondering if it's just that I'm worrying too much about those rules and creating a wall of fear - fear of writing any word down. This is my attempt to get back at it - putting words down.

I'm going to practice what I preach and that is, "Do what you really love and want to do because at the end of your life when you are taking that last breath, you can take it with satisfaction knowing you followed your heart - yes, it wasn't always easy - but damn it - you did it."

So as one of my favorite motivational authors used to say, "Don't die with your music still inside you!"

Until we meet again,


Download your FREE copy of "In the Kitchen with Ramona," a collection of recipes used in the ficticious Ramona's Cafe, when you sign up for Victoria's monthly newsletter "Musings."

Copyright © 2018, Victoria Vickers, Catalina Press.

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